11 Ways to Get Your Old Coffee Ground Into Use

Coffee is a widely enjoyed drink worldwide.

Often, people toss out the leftover grounds after brewing coffee, but after reading this article, you might rethink that habit.

Coffee grounds have numerous useful applications in both the home and garden and can even enhance your beauty regimen.

If you don’t brew much coffee at home, many coffee shops have plenty of grounds they’re happy to give away.

And here are 11 creative ways to use your old coffee ground.

replant a flower in a pot, close-up, faceless. Workplace on table, working hands

1. Fertilizer for Plants

Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, making them an excellent fertilizer for plants. Simply sprinkle coffee grounds around the base of your plants or mix them into the soil to enrich it. The grounds release nutrients slowly, feeding your plants over time. They also help improve soil structure and attract beneficial earthworms. Be sure not to overdo it, as excessive amounts of coffee grounds can make the soil too acidic for some plants.

2. Natural Pest Repellent

Coffee grounds can deter pests like rodents, ants, slugs, and snails from invading your garden. Scatter a layer of coffee grounds around vulnerable plants or create a barrier to keep pests away. The strong scent of coffee disrupts the insects’ sense of smell, making your garden less attractive to them. Plus, it’s a safe and natural alternative to chemical pesticides, keeping your garden eco-friendly.

3. Exfoliating Scrub

Coffee grounds make an excellent exfoliating scrub for your skin. Mix them with a bit of coconut oil or your favourite moisturizer to create a luxurious scrub that buffs away dead skin cells, leaving your skin soft and smooth. The texture of the coffee grounds helps improve circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Plus, the caffeine in the grounds can temporarily tighten and brighten the skin, giving you a natural glow.

Woman's hand crumbles coffee grounds into wooden bowl. Coffee grounds used as a body scrub or fertilizer for plants.

4. Odor Neutralizer

Coffee grounds are fantastic at absorbing and neutralizing odours. Place a bowl of dried coffee grounds in your refrigerator or freezer to eliminate unwanted smells. You can also use them to deodorize your hands after chopping onions or garlic in the kitchen. Simply rub a small amount of damp coffee grounds on your hands, then rinse with water for fresh-smelling skin.

5. Compost Ingredient

Adding coffee grounds to your compost pile is a great way to speed up the decomposition process and create nutrient-rich compost for your garden. The grounds are considered “green” material, providing nitrogen to balance the carbon-rich “brown” materials like leaves and paper. Just be sure to mix the coffee grounds thoroughly with the rest of your compost to prevent them from clumping together.

6. DIY Coffee Scented Candles

Coffee grounds can add a cosy aroma to homemade candles. Mix used coffee grounds with melted wax and pour the mixture into candle moulds. As the candle burns, it releases the rich, comforting scent of coffee throughout your home. These coffee-scented candles are perfect for creating a warm ambience on chilly evenings or for giving as thoughtful homemade gifts.

Closeup one coffee beans

7. Natural Hair Treatment

Coffee grounds can help stimulate hair growth and add shine to your locks. Brew a strong pot of coffee and let it cool. After shampooing, pour the cooled coffee over your hair, making sure to massage it into your scalp. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. The caffeine in the coffee stimulates hair follicles, promoting growth, while the natural acids help to seal the hair cuticle, leaving your hair looking shiny and healthy.

8. DIY Furniture Scratch Repair

If you have wooden furniture with scratches or blemishes, coffee grounds can help disguise them. Mix used coffee grounds with a bit of water to create a thick paste. Rub the paste onto the scratched area using a soft cloth, then let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it off. The coffee grounds will darken the scratched area, making it less noticeable and blending it with the rest of the wood.

9. DIY Body Scrub

Coffee grounds make an invigorating and exfoliating body scrub that can leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Mix used coffee grounds with some coconut oil or olive oil to create a thick paste. Add a few drops of essential oil for a pleasant scent if desired. Gently massage the scrub onto damp skin in circular motions, focusing on rough areas like elbows and knees. Rinse off with warm water to reveal smoother, softer skin.

Roastery workers checking quality of ground coffee before starting to pack and sell it

10. Natural Dye for Crafts

Coffee grounds can be used as a natural dye for various crafting projects. Boil used coffee grounds in water to create a concentrated solution, then strain out the grounds. Use the resulting liquid to dye fabrics, paper, or even Easter eggs for a rustic, earthy colour. Experiment with different concentrations and application techniques to achieve the desired hue.

11. Flea Repellent for Pets

Coffee grounds can help keep pesky fleas away from your furry friends. After brewing a fresh pot of coffee, spread the used coffee grounds out on a baking sheet and let them dry completely. Once dry, sprinkle the coffee grounds onto your pet’s fur, avoiding their eyes and nose. Gently work the grounds into their fur with your fingers or a brush. The scent of coffee is unpleasant to fleas and can help deter them from infesting your pet’s coat.

These additional uses for coffee grounds showcase their versatility and usefulness beyond just brewing a cup of coffee. With a little creativity, you can turn what was once considered waste into valuable resources for various aspects of your life, from self-care routines to DIY projects and pet care.

Is it Safe to Eat Coffee Grounds?

Drinking coffee is associated with various health benefits, such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancer.

However, when it comes to consuming coffee grounds directly, many experts advise against it.

Coffee beans contain compounds like cafestol and kahweol, which can raise blood cholesterol levels. While these compounds are usually filtered out during the brewing process, they remain in the grounds.

A study found that consuming around 0.25 ounces (7 grams) of coffee grounds per day led to an average increase of 26 points in participants’ blood cholesterol levels after three weeks.

Although some recipes for baked goods, meat rubs, and sauces include coffee grounds, using them in this way is generally okay as long as you don’t consume them regularly.

In Conclusion

After brewing coffee, many people throw away the leftover grounds. However, there are plenty of ways to give them a second life.

The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee grounds can be beneficial for your skin, potentially reducing cellulite and under-eye circles.

Additionally, coffee grounds are rich in nutrients that can help plants grow and keep pests away in your garden.

Their abrasive texture also makes them effective for cleaning around the house.

Next time you make coffee, think about reusing the grounds with one of the ideas mentioned in this article.

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