What is Pareto’s 80/20 rule? How to apply the 80-20 rule effectively? Pros and cons of the principle?

Many of us believe that success comes from hard work, whether it’s in school, work, or relationships. But have you ever wondered why sometimes, despite putting in so much effort, the results are just average? The typical response might be to work even harder, thinking that more effort leads to better outcomes. However, the real secret to success isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter.

And that’s Pareto’s principle 80/20 we are going to discuss in this article.

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What is Pareto’s 80/20 rule?

Pareto’s 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, is a concept named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who observed that approximately 80% of outcomes are often generated by 20% of causes. In various contexts, it suggests that a significant portion of effects (80%) come from a minority of causes (20%). This principle has been applied in numerous fields, including economics, business management, and personal productivity, to optimize resources and focus efforts on the most impactful factors.

In business, for instance, it suggests that a significant portion of revenue or profits often comes from a minority of clients or products. Identifying and focusing on these high-impact clients or products can lead to more efficient resource allocation and strategic decision-making. Similarly, in personal productivity, the principle implies that a large portion of results can be attributed to a small subset of activities. By identifying these crucial tasks and prioritizing them, individuals can enhance their effectiveness and achieve better outcomes with less effort.

While the exact proportions may vary in different scenarios, the underlying concept remains valuable for optimizing efforts and resources. By recognizing the disproportionate influence of a minority of factors, individuals and organizations can streamline their strategies, improve efficiency, and maximize their impact.

How do you calculate 80-20 rule?

Calculating the 80/20 rule involves identifying the key factors contributing to a certain outcome and determining the proportion of their impact. Here’s a general approach:

  1. Identify the Factors: First, identify the factors or causes that contribute to the outcome you’re analyzing. This could be, for example, customers, products, tasks, or any other relevant elements.
  2. Quantify the Impact: Determine the contribution of each factor to the overall outcome. This could be measured in terms of revenue generated, time spent, resources utilized, or any other appropriate metric.
  3. Rank the Factors: Arrange the factors in descending order based on their impact. The factor with the highest contribution comes first, followed by the next most influential factor, and so on.
  4. Calculate the Threshold: Calculate the cumulative impact of the factors as you move down the list. Stop when the cumulative impact reaches approximately 80% of the total. The corresponding number of factors or causes will represent the “vital few” that contribute most significantly to the outcome.
  5. Assess the Remaining Factors: The remaining factors, constituting roughly 20% of the total, are the “trivial many” that have a relatively minor impact. While they may still be important to some extent, the focus of attention should be primarily on the vital few.

Keep in mind that the 80/20 rule is a heuristic rather than a precise mathematical formula, so the exact proportions may vary in different situations. However, the principle remains valuable for identifying and prioritizing the most impactful factors for optimization and decision-making.

What is the 80-20 rule in psychology?

In psychology, the 80-20 rule is often applied in various contexts to understand patterns of behaviour, cognition, and emotion. While it’s not a strict rule, it reflects the idea that a significant proportion of outcomes or phenomena can often be attributed to a minority of causes or factors. Here are a few ways the 80-20 rule is observed in psychology:

  1. Productivity and Time Management: In the realm of productivity and time management, the 80-20 rule suggests that approximately 80% of our results or achievements stem from 20% of our efforts or activities. Psychologists use this principle to advise individuals on identifying and prioritizing the most effective tasks or behaviours to maximize their productivity.
  2. Emotional Regulation: In terms of emotional regulation, the 80-20 rule might imply that a small number of core emotions or triggers are responsible for the majority of our emotional responses. Understanding and addressing these primary factors can be key to managing emotions more effectively.
  3. Decision-Making: When it comes to decision-making, psychologists often observe that a few critical factors or considerations have a disproportionate impact on our choices and judgments. By focusing attention on these key factors, individuals can make more informed and efficient decisions.
  4. Social Interactions: In social psychology, the 80-20 rule might manifest in the observation that a minority of individuals in a group tend to dominate conversations or influence group dynamics to a significant extent. Understanding these dynamics can be important for fostering more balanced and inclusive interactions.

Overall, while the 80-20 rule is not universally applicable in psychology, it provides a useful framework for understanding and optimizing various aspects of human behaviour and cognition.

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Here are examples of the 80-20 Rule:

  1. Work Efficiency: Ever noticed how in a construction site or office, some workers are fully engrossed in their tasks while others seem to be idling? This illustrates the 80-20 rule: roughly 20% of employees typically generate about 80% of the work output, leaving the majority responsible for the remaining 20%.
  2. Product Sales: In a business, around 20% of the products often account for 80% of the total sales. This means a small portion of the products are driving the majority of the company’s revenue.
  3. Customer Base: Similarly, approximately 20% of a company’s customers may contribute to about 80% of its sales. This suggests that focusing efforts on satisfying and retaining this vital 20% can significantly impact overall sales performance.
  4. Relationship Dynamics: In personal relationships, roughly 20% of interactions might lead to about 80% of arguments or conflicts. This highlights how a minority of interactions can disproportionately impact the overall dynamics of a relationship.

Here’s how to apply the 80-20 rule effectively

  1. Identify Time-Wasting Activities: Start by recognizing which activities consume the majority of your time without yielding significant results. These are the tasks that fall into the 80% that contribute only 20% to your overall productivity.
  2. Eliminate or Minimize Them: Once you’ve identified these time-wasters, work on reducing or eliminating them from your schedule. This frees up valuable time that you can allocate to activities that are more meaningful or align better with your goals.
  3. Focus on High-Impact Tasks: Prioritize your tasks based on their importance or value. Make a list of all the activities you need to accomplish and organize them according to their significance. Then, dedicate the majority of your efforts to completing the top-priority tasks—the vital few that contribute the most to your overall success.
  4. Feel Accomplished: Even if you can’t finish everything on your list, focusing on the most important tasks ensures that you’re making significant progress. By tackling the vital few first, you’ll feel productive and accomplished, knowing that you’ve addressed the most crucial aspects of your work.
Woman's hand and a graph with growing indicators, income increase, inflation

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Pareto Principle

While the Pareto Principle can be a useful tool for making decisions and prioritizing tasks, it is important to remember that not all problems can be solved using this simple rule.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of the Pareto Principle:


  1. Efficiency: The Pareto Principle helps decision-makers focus on tasks or decisions likely to have the most impact, saving time and resources by prioritizing effectively.
  2. Resource Optimization: By prioritizing efforts, resources can be allocated more efficiently, leading to better problem-solving and utilization of resources.
  3. Focus on Quality: It directs attention to areas where quality matters most, encouraging organizations to prioritize quality over quantity in their outcomes.


  1. Limited Predictability: The principle is based on statistical models and may not always accurately predict real-world outcomes.
  2. Static Assumptions: It assumes that the current situation will remain unchanged, which may not hold true in dynamic environments requiring adaptability.
  3. Lack of Recognition for Effort: It focuses solely on results, potentially overlooking the efforts of individuals or teams who contribute but don’t see their efforts reflected in outcomes.
  4. Risk of Tunnel Vision: A strict focus on results may overlook long-term benefits or innovative opportunities, potentially stifling creativity and innovation within organizations.

The key takeaway

The Pareto principle, known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that in many cases, things are distributed disproportionately, with 20% of causes leading to 80% of effects. This principle applies broadly, from business (where 20% of activities generate 80% of income) to daily life (where 80% of wear time involves just 20% of your clothes). It’s not a strict scientific law but an observation of unequal distribution. It’s been used to illustrate wealth concentration among a small percentage of the population and to help individuals allocate their efforts and time more efficiently.

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